Free Bee Removal in Calgary

My name is David, and I’m a licensed & registered beekeeper in Calgary, AB.

Got Bees?

If you've found bees like these, call or text me ASAP (Text a pic!), or please consider contacting the Calgary District Beekeepers Association's Swarm Catcher service

A swarm
in flight
A swarm
on a branch
A swarm
on a fence
A swarm
on the ground

When a colony of honey bees has grown beyond the capacity of their hive, the queen leaves the hive with roughly half of the workers and leaves behind a new queen and the other half of the workers. This is called a "swarm", which occur mostly in spring and early summer when a colony is growing and they need more space. Swarms are the natural way that bees use to ensure the survival of the species.

Prior to settling into a new home, these swarms will sometimes gather in a cluster, often in a tree. These swarms of bees are no threat to humans. They are simply trying to find a new home. Swarms don't care about you, unless they feel threatened.

In fact, all of those bees filled (filled!) their bellies with honey before setting out on the trip, and so not only are they not looking for trouble, they're also sluggish because of the extra weight they're carrying.

Swarm colonies are the start of a brand new independant colony. Unfortunately, with our extreme winters, they won't survive unless they find (or are put into) a suitable home, but beware; Capturing a swarm is not for the faint of heart.

If you know of a swarm; I will remove the bees in a safe manner. Not only will you not pay anything, you'll get some free honey out of the deal too.

Just call or text me: .

Are they already settled?

If you've found bees that already seem to be living inside a building, I probably cannot help, and you should consider contacting the District Beekeepers Association regarding their Swarm Catcher service.

Are you sure they're honey bees?

If it’s hairless, it’s a wasp/hornet. (call these fine folks)
Is the nest round/egg-shaped, and paper-like? wasps/hornets again!
If it’s very furry with hunched shoulders, it’s a bumblebee. (harmless!)
If it’s slightly furry, with a long tube-like shape, then it’s a honey bee!:

Honey Bee Bumble Bee Wasp Hornet
Honey bee Bumblebee Wasp Hornet
Appearance Fuzzy Very fuzzy Very slick; not fuzzy
Demeanor Curious Lazy, almost drunk Jerks Assholes
Stinging Can only sting once Can sting over
and over again
Do sting over
and over again
Likelihood to sting Only if they feel threatened Rarely ever stings Stings without warning or reason
Pollination Expert pollinator Expert pollinator Not a pollinator
Nest Location Trees, walls, boxes, etc Usually in the ground In trees, on buildings, underground, wall voids
Nest type Wax "Clumps of eggs stuck together with goo" Usually paper-like
Diet Feed on nectar and pollen. Feed on nectar and pollen. Feed on other insects,
nectar and fruit.
How best
to handle
Call or
Text Me!

Just leave
them be
Burn them. Burn them
all, straight to hell! ;)
(I recommend these folks)

Just call or text me

When you contact me, I will need at least one photo or video of the bees. I will also want to know:

  • Location in the city of the swarm (address, or at least area of the city)
  • Location on the property of the swarm (on the ground, in a tree, in a roof, etc?)
  • When did you first notice the bees, and what have you noticed about them?
  • I will not come without photo confirmation.